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篇名 沙參麥冬湯改善接受放化療之頭頸部癌患者生活品質
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 ShaShengMaiDongTang Improves Quality of Life of Patients with Craniocervical Carcinoma after Chemotherapy
作者 蘇慶豐賴東淵
頁次 168-175
關鍵字 沙參麥冬湯頭頸部癌生活品質ShaShengMaiDongTangcraniocervical carcinomaquality of life
出刊日期 201109


背景:癌症已連續28 年蟬聯國內十大死因之首,而其中頭頸部癌為所有癌症死因的第4 位,目前治療頭頸部癌的治療方式以開刀、放射線治療及化學藥物治療為主,但治療的副作用會影響患者的生活品質及接受治療的意願,故尋求另類療法來緩解癌症患者接受正規治療所產生的副作用,是目前很熱門的研究方向。材料與方法:採不分組方式,於患者接受放化療療程期間及療程結束後一個月,持續給予沙參麥冬湯治療,並以功能性的生活指數問卷表(EORTC QLQ-C30)評估患者生活品質的變化。結果與討論:42 例頭頸部癌患者生活品質平均由1.73±0.38 減少至1.47±0.32(p<0.001)。進一步分析生活品質核心指標,發現頭頸部癌之情緒功能、社會功能以及疲勞、疼痛、失眠、食慾不振等症狀均有明顯的進步。此結果說明沙參麥冬湯對接受放化療的頭頸部癌症病人,可顯著提高生活品質。沙參麥冬湯應可進一步研究發展成為共同治療頭頸部癌之治療藥物的潛力。


Background: Cancer has been the top cause of death for 28 years, and the craniocervical carcinoma was no. four among all cancers. Currently, the main treatment for craniocervical carcinoma is surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, the side effects often affect patients’ quality of life and the willingness of treatment. To seek alternative treatments to alleviate side effects from allopathic treatment has been popular these days. Materials and Method: Patients are given ShaShengMaiDongTang when receiving chemotherapy upto one month after chemotherapy. EORTC QLQ-C30 is used to assess the change of patients’ quality of life. Result and Discussion: The quality of life of 42 cases of patients with craniocervical carcinoma has dropped from 1.73±0.38 to 1.47±0.32 (p< 0.001). When further analyzing the index of quality of life, we found significant improvement in patients’ emotion, social ability, fatigue, pain, insomnia, and loss of appetite etc. The result explains that ShaShengMaiDongTang can improve the quality of life of patients receiving chemotherapy due to craniocertical carcinoma. The potential of
ShaShengMaiDongTang in supporting the allopathic treatment of craniocervical carcinoma should be further researched.
