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篇名 下肢動脈硬化閉塞症非藥物治療研究進展
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 Research progresses on non-drug treatment methods for LEAOD
作者 李文玄姜禮樞
頁次 176-190
關鍵字 下肢動脈硬化閉塞症非藥物治療法周圍動脈疾病脊髓硬膜外刺激Lower extremity arteriosclerotic occlusive diseaseLEAODASOPADSCS
出刊日期 201109


下肢動脈硬化閉塞症(Lower extremity arteriosclerotic occlusive disease, LEAOD)是個難治性的疾病[1]。LEAOD 中西醫結合藥物療法與其作用機制已廣為人知,但其有一定的局限性和其不盡人意之處。本文綜述了中外各醫家對LEAOD 的非藥物療法的臨床經驗及研究進展,並分析總結了刺絡拔罐(放血療法),針灸和埋線,溫針,熏洗及按摩推拿,血管新生,基因和幹細胞移植治療,脊髓硬膜外刺激和康復運動療法各自的特色及優勢。


Lower extremity arteriosclerotic occlusive disease, LEAOD which is caused by atherosclerotic occlusion of the arteries to the legs, is an important manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis. This is a complex and difficult disease to heal. LEAOD has blood stasis syndrome based on syndrome differentiation, so obtaining therapeutic effects by activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis with combination of TCM and Western medicine received widespread attention. Drug therapy and its mechanism are widely known, but it has some limitations and unsatisfactory result in some cases. So LEAOD non-drug therapy has an important role and complementary to drug therapies. This article provides an overview of the both TCM and Western LEAOD clinical experiences and
research progresses of non-drug therapies. From pricking and cupping (bleeding therapy), embedding of acupuncture and moxibustion, foot bathing and leg massage (tuina), gene and stem cell transplantation, epidural spinal cord stimulation and exercise rehabilitation as therapies. Also to compare and sum up the various therapies on clinical therapeutic effect of LEAOD, analyze the characteristics and advantages of various kinds of non-drug therapy.
