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篇名 校長評鑑之趨勢與省思
卷期 76
並列篇名 The Trends and Contemplations of Principal's Evaluation
作者 王鳳雄劉幸真
頁次 234-254
關鍵字 校長評鑑績效責任專業發展評鑑制度principal's evaluationaccountabilityprofessional developmentevaluation system
出刊日期 201111




The educational concepts and professional knowledge of principal are not only the key factors of affecting achievement of students, but also the management qualities of school. In the process of school affairs management, “Evaluation” is one of the important way of improving the principal's ability of school management. Although “Citizen Education Law” has already stipulated the “Evaluation of Principal's Accountability”, and how to promote principal's professional development efficiently is also an issue that deserves concern. But until right now there isn't a completed system in Taiwan that includes “principal's cultivation” & “principal's evaluation” and “in-service training” et al. This situation will limit principal's professional development, and sometimes it can't lead school to confront the challenge or promotes school's competitiveness, when we face huge transformation of school's environments. Today, under the condition of “accountability” and the need of professional development, the “Evaluation of Principal's Accountability” is not only a trend but also an important method of search for growth. That is the reason why the need for establishing the standard and system as soon as possible is an urgent demand, and local authority can choose the suitable principal based on the standard. First, in this article we use the method of document analysis to explore present “principal's evaluation” in America and UK, and grasp the worldwide main stream. Second, we will contemplate the functions and purposes of “principal's evaluation” from the analysis of historical contexts and the trend of development, and then propose the feasible ways in the near future.
