
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 金末遺臣楊宏道詩學對《詩經》的承繼
卷期 22
並列篇名 Yang Hung- Tao’s “Poetic Theory” succeeded to the classics The Book of Odes , who was a minister of the foreign Jin Dynasty
作者 林宜陵
頁次 161-182
關鍵字 楊宏道詩經金詩Yang Hung-Taothe classics The Book of OdesThe poetry program of the foreign Jin DynastyTHCI
出刊日期 201111




Yang Hung-Tao lived in the late Jin Dynasty and at the beginning of the
Yuan Dynasty. His family name YANG was derived from the family name
Huayang of the down-stream regions of the China’s Yellow- River. In this
discourse, I looked through his poetic theory and poems creation, deeply
investigated his poems creation program, background and his cultivation,
found the context succession and continuing the tradition of “The Book of
Odes”. Firstly, I noted that Yang Hung-Tao as a governmental official officer lived through the three Dynasties of Jin, Sung and Yuan; realized that his poetic theory succeeded of that period. Moreover, Yuan Hao- Wen of the foreign Yuan Dynasty was a poet recognition, thought that Yang Hung-Tao’s poet creation followed of the Book of Odes. “Gather friends
together for poems activities.” They communicated each other with poems. It is evidenced that the fact of his verse of “Early mornings I (Yang Hung-Tao)please to compose urgently”, appeared that he applied his energies to poems creation and poetic theory fully. Yuan Hao- Wen
thought that Yang Hung- Tao’s poems fitted the Chinese traditional poetic
theory program. The Book of Odes regarded as the classics of Chinese
Poetry. Yang Hung-Tao concentrated on his poems creation with efforts and
endeavors perfectly. His poems creation followed not only the classics Book of Odes, but also viewed the traditional motto of “Poetry expresses people’s intention and thought”. This tradition was firmly marked by the “Imitation classics style” of the afterwards poetry program of Ming Dynasty. Before it, the poets of the late Jin Dynasty and at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty continues composing poems consciously.
