
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 向文化大傳統的回歸與變奏──連橫對臺灣古典詩「正典」的追尋
卷期 22
並列篇名 Variations on a Great Cultural Tradition: Lian Heng's quest for a canon of Taiwan's classical shi poetry
作者 江寶釵
頁次 249-280
關鍵字 連橫大傳統詩話日治時期Lian Hengthe big traditionpoetic commentariesJapanese Occupation periodTHCI
出刊日期 201111




During the Japanese occupation, Taiwan was drifting herself in the modern colonial society. The literati like Lian Heng, who had the experiences of the encounter with different cultural, feeling like he was a stranger at home. Through which they developed a highly hybrid thinking, Chinese but western, local but Japanese, traditional but innovative. When we went through Lian Heng’s poetic commentaries, we discovered they were characteristic of all this traits. It is impossible for us to track down
how Lian Heng wrote up all of them since his works have not been edited
chronologically. However, from the work contents we can draw the aspects of his thoughts about poetry writing, which can be divided into three categories, how he responded to the censorship of colonial government, how he tried to follow up the Chinese classic literary tradition, how he put multiple cultural resources all together into his poetic commentaries The final end of his poetry thoughts turns out how he can preserve the traditional elements of Han culture, and then get to the goal of global modernization.
