
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 戰後題襟亭填詞會與鷗社詞作研究
卷期 22
並列篇名 The Study of Ti Chin-ting’s Lyric-Writing Club after the War and the Lyric Works of Ou Club
作者 蘇淑芬
頁次 281-312
關鍵字 題襟亭填詞會鷗社嘉義八景鷗社藝苑Ti Chin-ting Lyric-writing ClubOu ClubChiayi PachingOu Club YiyuanTHCI
出刊日期 201111


民國36 年,張李德和在自家逸園的題襟亭自組詞社,稱題襟亭填詞會,專為填詞,不課律絕。民國38 年,鷗社復社。詞人自以為追求淡泊名利,藉詩詞來陶冶性情,歌頌高風亮節。兩社詞作,包括題詞、詠物、懷古、抒情、寫景等主題,內容豐富。所展現的現象是:一、因為鷗社是詩社,所以常有一詞一詩的現象,二、寫景詞以聯章體表現,三、詞人間常步韻聯吟,四、韻律問題,當時詞譜缺乏,偶有混押情形。兩社所呈現的詞學意義:一、有意識的命名詞集,出版《羅山題襟集》、《羅山題襟亭詞集》,嘉義古名羅山,詞中有意識的表彰鄉里景致與特色,二、增進詞學交流,鷗社舉辨雅集,使詞作互相交流切磋,取長補短,有利於提升創作技巧。並舉辦多社聯吟,互相切磋,增進情感與詞藝。三、保存詞學文獻,當時出版書籍,必須花費大筆經費,詞人詞作大都沒收集出版,因《羅山題襟亭詞集》與《鷗社藝苑》的出版,得以完整保存詞人作品。


In 1947, Changli Dehe, who stayed at Ti Chin-ting in her own garden
Yiyuan at her home, organized the lyrics club—which called Ti Chin-ting
Lyric-writing Club. She organized this club to write lyrics without the
limitation of Lu-shih and Chueh-chu. In 1949, the Ou Club revived again.
Lyrics-writers were indifferent to the fame and wealth that they wrote the
lyrics and poetry to cultivate their temperament and praise the high and
upright characteristics. The works of two lyrics clubs contained the rich
themes of lyric-making, things-chanting, nostalgia, emotion-expressing,
and scenery-portraying. They reflected: 1. Since the Ou club is the poetry
club, there are usually one lyric and one poem existed. 2. The scenery-lyrics are expressed by lien changti. 3. The lyric-writers rhyme on the basis of others’ rhyme. 4. The questions of rhythm—it was lacked with the lyrics collection, so there happened to have the situation of mixed rhymes. The meaning of the lyric study which the two clubs presented are: 1. Consciously named the lyric-collection, they published Loshan Tichin Collection and Loshan Ti Chin-ting Lyrics Collection. Chiayi used to call Loshan, so the lyrics consciously expressed the landscape and features of the villages. 2. To improve the interaction of the lyric study, the Ou Club held Ya Chi to let the all lyrics-works exchange different ideas and interact each other. It helped to improve the creating skill. The Ou Club also held Toshe Lienyin to learn from each other and enhance the emotion and art of lyrics. 3. Preserved the documents of lyrics study. It needed to cost lots of money to publish books, so the lyrics-works were mostly not published. Due to the publication of Loshan Ti Chin-ting Lyrics Collection and Ou Club Yiyuan, they helped to preserve the works of lyrics-writers completely.
