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篇名 科技大學學生同儕性教育方案實施成效之研究
卷期 3
並列篇名 A Study on the Effect of Peer Sexual Education Program for University Students
作者 駱俊宏許凱鈞許秀月
頁次 017-032
關鍵字 同儕性教育性教育態度性教育自我效能性教育溝通行為peer sexual educationsexual education attitudesexual education self-efficacysexual education communication behavior
出刊日期 200707




The study designs are quasi-experiment and a focus-group interview. The tool is questionnaires. Thirty three participants are in the control group, and 36 are in the experimental group from an university in south of Taiwan. The experimental group receives the peer sexual education program for six weeks. In order to evaluate the program, pre-test-post-test in both groups is used to evaluate the intervention. A focus-depth interview is used to explicit the participants’ views about the peer sexual education. When the experimental and control groups were compared, the results reveal that there was significant differences in knowledge base on sex knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and communication skills. Participants are in the experimental group have positive attitude toward the peer sexual education program. The major difficulty to conduct this program is the culture issue. Sex in Taiwanese society is a taboo therefore participants are shy to talk about and make comments about it. Moreover, due to lack of time, the sex education program is not designed into the course curriculum.
