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篇名 牙科植體輔助活動式牙科復體
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Dental Implant-assisted Removable Dental Prostheses
作者 傅沐杰
頁次 014-025
關鍵字 牙科植體植體輔助牙科附連體活動式牙科復體覆蓋式義齒dental implantimplant-assisteddental attachmentremovable dental prosthesesoverdenture
出刊日期 201109




The introduction of osseointegration and implant-assisted prostheses has led to a shift in the therapeutic paradigm for the management of partially and fully edentulism ,where the problem of advanced alveolar
resorption and the associated difficulty in providing stable, retentive, functionally comfortable prostheses creates the biggest challenges. Implant-assisted removable partialdentures provide patients with stable,
long-term predictable prostheses and could serve as a long-term predictable treatment modality. Implantassisted overdenture treatment permits better biting and chewing function than conventional complete
dentures. 2-implant-assisted overdenture in the mandible should be the standard treatment option for fully edentulous patients suffering from discomfort with their conventional denture.
