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篇名 銀粉對人體健康的影響 – 文獻回顧
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 The Health Effects of Dental Amalgam on Human – A Review of the Literature
作者 葉丁毓何佩珊
頁次 026-035
關鍵字 銀粉amalgammercury
出刊日期 201109




In recent years, the use of dental amalgam has been a controversial issue. Dental amalgam has been introduced in restoration of teeth for more than 175 years, but it has been argued that even a tiny amount of
mercury may affect human health. Amalgam has been therefore out of fashion among the choices of dentists and patients. However, if we use dental amalgam properly, it can strengthen posterior tooth intensity.With
the knowledge of the characteristics of mercury, we can use it safely and recycle it. And then, we can save the environment while ensuring dental health for patients. Reviewing related literature, we attempted to, in this article, understand more about dental amalgam and relinquish the controversy over its use.

