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篇名 運用歐倫理論照顧急性心肌梗塞併發心因性休克病人之加護經驗
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 The Intensive Nursing Care Experience of Orem Self-Care Theory to a Patient with Acute Myocardial Infarction Complicated with Cardiogenic Shock
作者 陳瑋玲吳麗彬
頁次 101-109
關鍵字 急性心肌梗塞歐倫理論心因性休克Acute myocardial infarctionOrem self-care theoryCardiogenic shock
出刊日期 201011




About 10000 to 20000 people suffer from acute myocardial infarction (AMI) each year in Taiwan. If arrhythmia, a common complication of AMI, is not treated promptly, the mortality rate will increase. This case report describes a case of AMI complicated with cardiogenic shock. The Orem Self-Care Theory was used to guide the nursing assessment and plan the nursing care. During the nursing care period starting from April 12 to April 20, 2008, three health problems were identified, including decreased cardiac output, hopelessness, and ineffective health maintenance. The patient
received an intra-aortic balloon pump to maintain cardiac output and oxygenation. A good therapeutic patient-nurse relationship was established and the patient was able to face the disease and the treatment process with a positive attitude. The family was encouraged to use “touch” techniques and religious support to increase the patient’s level of psychological well-being. Self-care management education was provided to the patient and the family. Early mobilization and limb exercise were employed to increase the patient’s physical functioning. The patient was able to transfer to the ward and discharged from the hospital.
