
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 再論「二分」與「三分」之爭:從憲法觀點檢討職權命令的存廢問題
卷期 23:2
並列篇名 Dichotomy Instead of Trichotomy?On the Constitutional Basis for Non-Delegated Administrative Legislation in Taiwan
作者 黃舒芃
頁次 001-029
關鍵字 法規命令行政規則職權命令行政程序法權力分立民主繼受Administrative RegulationAdministrative DirectiveNon-Delegated PowersDemocracyReceptionTSSCI
出刊日期 201110




According to the Taiwanese Administrative Procedure Act, the administrative legislation is classified into administrative regulations (Rechtsverordnungen) as well as (internal)administrative directives (Verwaltungsvorschriften), while the non-delegated legislation of the
administrative power is neither legally defined nor regulated by any written rules. Nevertheless,the problems whether the non-delegated administrative legislation is constitutionally permitted and how its constitutional limits should be determined remain highly debated. Unlike many scholars who advocate for a thorough reception of the German dichotomy of administrative legislation, I argue that the constitutionality and appropriateness of non-delegated administrative
legislation in Taiwan is to be examined not only in light of the administrative law which is deeply influenced by German Verwaltungsrechtsdogmatik, but also from the perspective that the framework of separation of powers in context of the Taiwanese Constitution is based upon a system of dual democratic legitimacy, which differs totally from the German parliamentary democracy. Viewed this way, what is crucial is not to condemn the existence of non-delegated administrative legislation, but rather to preserve its constitutional limits through clarifying its
