
都市與計劃 TSSCI

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篇名 博奕城市崛起後的都市社經脆弱度及其空間機能變遷:澳門經驗
卷期 38:4
並列篇名 Changes in Spatial Functions and Socio-economic Vulnerabilities since the Rise of Casino City: The Eexperience of Macau
作者 洪啟東彭淑媛
頁次 345-373
關鍵字 澳門博奕城市社經脆弱度空間發展環境空間變遷都市災害MacauCasino citySocio-economic vulnerabilitySpatial developmentEnvironmental spatial changeUrban disasterTSSCI
出刊日期 201112


本文探究千禧年後,中國大陸澳門特區政府因博奕產業空間的蔓延與都市土地使用改變,危害了草根對歷史建物之空間文化形式的集體記憶,同時也摧毀了都市地景紋理與社會環境的破敗。前述突顯澳門特區政府與社區在地居民,對於觀光產業發展與環境維護不同的立場與空間規劃態度。本文企圖藉由深入訪談、文獻蒐集分析和觀光產業等相關統計數據的研究工具使用和論述,釐清澳門特區政府在“回歸”中國大陸中央政府後,由於賭權的開放,與伴隨而至之大舉挹注的基礎建設和填海造地,以及博奕空間的資本化,導致都市環境變遷與社經脆弱(socio-economic vulnerability)的都市環境潛勢災害問題;例如,表現在路氹填海計畫、超高樓
層的消費地景、輕軌優化方案等三個議題個案來澄清上述研究發問。本文個案旨在突顯博奕產業的興起,全球資本化賭場空間消費地景將促使市民環境使用權的失落,並脫軌於既有的在地社區文化;同時,例證“環境與經濟不對等交換下的都市發展模式”。研究貢獻應在於,點出及提醒國內(離島)即將引進博彩事業用以“拼經濟”的迷思;並回應新興的跨國博奕產業政策與島嶼都市過度開發,即將對都市環境造成隱藏的社會資本流失,並從政府治理之政治層面檢視,社區居民對上述不同社經脆弱所帶來的都市危害(urban hazard)之環境調適(adaptive)行動策略。


This paper probes the mechanisms involved in the spread of the gambling industry and changes in its spatial function since the turn of the Millennium in the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR). The casino industry in the MSAR has not only promoted swift economic growth and a
transformation in industrial structure (from promotion of production to promotion of consumption),but has also provoked the progressive decrease of bio-diversity and capitalized on collective community consumption and socioeconomic vulnerability. This investigation uses qualitative
analyses such as field studies, in depth interviews and literature review to illustrate three cases studies: 1) the impact of land reclamation on Coloane-Taipa on the wetland ecology; 2) the dwarfing of the 142-year-oldGuia lighthouse by skyscrapers; 3) the influence of monorail construction on the skyline and landscape of Macau. The above findings which will be clarify the socioeconomic vulnerabilities of the MSAR, and demonstrate a clear association between this vulnerability and
public access to casino licenses. Finally, this study aims atconstructing the hypothetical conceptual framework: “urban uneven development under the exchange of economy and environment”. The contribution of this study lies in helping local policy-makers who are interested in developing
transnational gambling industries to gain from urbanization. Such, policy-makers should be more sensitive to the recessive vulnerabilities of socioeconomic spatial capital and the degeneracy of environmental hazard resilience.
