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篇名 如何成為一位稱職的導遊?--性格與專業職能的探索
卷期 32:2
並列篇名 How to be an Excellent Tour Guide?--The Exploration of Personality and Professional Competency
作者 許金田廖紘億黃讚松
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 專業職能工作績效外向性內容分析Professional competencyJob performanceExtraversionContent analysis
出刊日期 201111




This research had two objectives: to develop a competence model of an excellent tour guide and to test the moderating effect of a tour guide’s extraversion on the relationship between professional competence and performance. The study combines with qualitative and quantitative methodology and reports responses of 8 professional tour guides who have 5
years or longer in Taiwan. After in-depth interviews, we select 240 themes and extract out 25 professional competences. Data of quantitative analysis were collected on a structured questionnaire containing standard scales of extraversion, professional competence and performance. After establishing the psychometric properties of the scales, hypotheses were
tested through statistical analysis of the data. The data was collected from 235 tour guides in Taiwan. Results indicated that the professional competence model includes three dimensions:professional knowledge, skill and attitude. Further, extraversion will moderate the relationship
between professional knowledge and attitude and performance, such that the higher a tour guide’s extraversion, the stronger the effect of professional knowledge and attitude on the performance. However, the relationship between professional skill and performance is smaller
for high-extraversion individuals than for low- extraversion individuals. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
