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篇名 全球化下青年學子生存競爭力的培養
卷期 672
並列篇名 Cultivate Students to Rise to Challenge in a Global Village
作者 賴澤涵
頁次 007-011
關鍵字 全球化 多元訓練 資訊社會 達爾文主義Globalization Multi-displinary Training Information Society Social Darwinism
出刊日期 201112




Globalization has brought challenges in 2 dimensions for young students. Learning is no longer restricted to classroom. How to make the best of present day technology and internet is easy, but to search, find the pertinent information needs training and select.The second challenge is greater. How to prepare for competition in a global market of human resources.The young generation is advised to prepare for multi-displinary training covering the following 3 areas:1.professional major;2.languages;3.humanities:(appreciation of other culture and open attitude to adopt to future challenges)
