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篇名 「知道」與「認為」的語義語用分析和句法行為解釋
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Semantic and Pragmatic Interpretation of the Differences between Syntactic Characteristics of ZHIDAO and RENWEI
作者 張家驊
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 預設命題敘實謂詞主位述位PresuppositionPropositionActive predicateRhymeTheme
出刊日期 201012




ZHIDAO and RENWEI are both basic predicates of propositional attitude,
expressing the epistemic modality. In the semantic structure, ZHIDAO expresses not only a) that the epistemic subject has the proposition P in his mind, but also b) what P refers to exists in the reality. ZHIDAO acts as the rhyme in the communicative structure pragmatically. RENWEI, on the other hand, expresses only a), but not b). RENWEI usually acts as the theme in the communicative structure. These two predicates demonstrate contrasting behaviors in word order of the communicative structure, in the
expressing means and referential method of subordinate proposition, in the interrogative marker, in the object of negation, in the types of modifiers, as well as in the possibility of forming the theme-only interrogation. The interpretation of these different syntactic
behaviors of the two predicates can be obtained through the analysis of their lexico-semantic and pragmatic characteristics.
