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篇名 「水陸法會」的當代視角--以〈祖師規約〉為切入點
卷期 7
並列篇名 A Contemporary Perceptive on Water-Land Dharma Assembly--From the Angle of Ritual Canon by Buddhist Patriarch
作者 洪錦淳
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 水陸法會袾宏虛雲規約
出刊日期 200812




This paper intends to explore the historic background of "Water-Land Dharma Assembly" presided on many occasions by Master Lian Chi of the Ming dynasty and contemporary Monk Hsu Yun, and illustrate the meanings of "Ritual Site Canon for Water-Land Dharma Assembly" and "Canon for Water-Land Dharma Assembly Chanting and Practices" specifically stipulated by both Buddhist patriarchs. Further comparison will be made on the similarities and differences between their canons, to reveal the changes and perpetual spiritual criteria reflected by them. Hopefully by
setting up a paradigm for the current "Water-Land Dharma Assembly" so frequently practiced at Buddhist ashrams, this paper will serve as a practical guideline for Buddhist followers to the ultimate purpose of "Water-Land Dharma Assembly", by providing the corr.ect conccpt and recognition complying both to our modern society and ancient scriptural gist.

