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篇名 提升新生兒照護指導成效
卷期 7
並列篇名 The Effects of Improving Newborn Nursing Care Education
作者 朱湘芬高碧琴柳芬芳
頁次 121-135
關鍵字 新生兒照護指導Newborn nursing care education
出刊日期 200812




The project demostrates improving nursing care education of newborn that reduce the frequency of postnatal mothers' telephone consulting for newborn care. The researchers used the factor analysis to constitute seven elements for mother's care problems of newborn care:1.Nursing staffs don't perform nursing care correcty. 2.No standard procedure for newborn nursing care.3.No standard model for newborn nursing care.4.NO measuring instruments foe newdborn nursing care.5.Instruct time of newborn nursing care is too limited and centralized.6.No complete schedule for evaluating the effectiveness of nursing.7.No training progtam for cultivation health education skills. The researchers through literature review and benchmarking established the atandard procedure, standard model, measuring instruments, complete schedule for newborn care guidance, and prposed training programs for improving nursing care. The result revealed that the frequency of telephone consulting for mother's newborn nursing care decreased from91.3% to 68.6% and complete rate of newborn of nursing care education increased from 77.2% to 98%.The results prove that standardizied newborn nursing care achieves the effects of newborn nursing care.
