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篇名 無力感的概念分析及其於透析護理的應用
卷期 10:3
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Concept of Powerlessness and Its Application to Dialysis Nursing
作者 王魯梅丘周萍
頁次 011-019
關鍵字 無力感概念分析透析護理powerlessnessconcept analysisdialysis nursingTSCI
出刊日期 201112



There has been little research into the experience of powerlessness in dialysis patients.To improve the clinical care of dialysis patients that experience powerlessness, the concept should be analyzed and refined to improve care personnel’s knowledge in this area. Concept analysis is a method for exploring and evaluating the meaning of words. The aim of this
paper is to provide an in-depth analysis on the concept of powerlessness and thus facilitate understanding of the term. An attempt has been made to apply the Walker and Avant (2005)concept analysis process to the context of powerlessness. A concept analysis provides a logical basis for defining terms through a definition of the attributes, case examples (model,contrary, borderline), antecedents, consequences and empirical referents. The paper concludes with an exploration of the implications and applications of powerelessness in dialysis nursing. The historical background and literature are reviewed using concept analysis to bring the term into focus and clariy its definition. By identifying the attributes of powerlessness, communication between health professionals involved in the practice,research and education of dialysis nursing can be enhanced.
