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篇名 從物質觀、技術與飾身角度詮釋傳統與當代金工之傳承與變革
卷期 89
並列篇名 Inheritance and Innovation of Gold and Silver Metalworking Craft--A Study through Material View, Techniques and Body Decoration
作者 李建緯
頁次 031-059
關鍵字 金銀細工當代金工創作符號技術身體裝飾修養Gold and silver metalworking fine craftContemporary metalsmithingSymbolismCraftBody decorationBody-mind philosophyTHCI
出刊日期 201110




Because of Western creation tradition “more concept, less practical application”, applied art is marginalized whether from the perspective of fine art defined by Western academic art tradition or from the point of view of contemporary art. As a result, there is less concern for applied art than pure aesthetics. Among all applied art, metalworking art is the most marginal. Accordingly, this research breaks into unexplored territory of metalworking craft, a study with a bold attempt to analyze through past to present the gold and silver fine metalworking craft. With this historical context, this study hopes to give a more explicit picture about the form and the meaning of metalworking craft.In terms of “symbolism”, “crafting” and “genealogy of body decoration”, this study tends to point out: the modernity invokes an important influence on modern life and art creation attitude, but less obvious impact on how to create a metalwork. Moreover, there is continuity between ancient and
modern metalworking art. Because both stress on craft inheritance and believe that the participation of audience contributes to the meaning construction of metal craft work. This continuity deeply results from an emphasis on body-mind philosophy which integrates into metalwork at the beginning of a metalworker’s creation, no matter when it comes to ancient or modern metalworking. This perspective of creation philosophy enables a dialogue between body and metalwork as well as a link between ancient and modern metalworking creation.
