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篇名 鋼琴家露絲.史蘭倩絲卡鋼琴教學理念的形成與特質
卷期 89
並列篇名 The Philosophic Formation and the Characteristics of the Piano Education of Pianist Ruth Slenczynska
作者 王潤婷
頁次 289-316
關鍵字 露絲.史蘭倩絲卡鋼琴教學鋼琴家音樂教育Ruth SlenczynskaPiano pedagogyPianistMusic educationTHCI
出刊日期 201110


美國當代鋼琴家露絲‧史蘭倩絲卡 (Ruth Slenczynska, 1925-) 於2009 年4 月應台北藝術大學音樂系的邀請,由紐約至關渡任客座教授兩個月。台北藝術大學音樂系為她安排每週兩場鋼
琴講座 (piano lecture) 及數堂鋼琴個別課程。史蘭倩絲卡在講座中講述並演奏全套布拉姆斯
(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897) 鋼琴作品曲集(Klavierstuke) , 以及蕭邦(Fredrich Chopin,1810-1849) 和舒曼 (Robert Schumann, 1810-1856) 的鋼琴作品。她的教學是理論與實際並重,每一堂課都是一場lecture recital,她將作品結構的音樂思維放到實際的演練中,以極透明簡潔的方式將音樂美的塑造過程呈現出來。學生們從中吸取諸多特殊實用的觀念並擴大了音樂的視野。86 歲的史蘭倩絲卡在鋼琴演奏的世界中歷練80 餘年之久。幼年時期名聲響遍歐美,當時之鋼琴名師如霍夫曼(Josef Hofmann)、許納伯(Artur Schabel)、柯爾托(Alfred Cortot)、巴克豪斯(Wilhelm Backhaus)、拉赫曼尼諾夫(SergeiRachmaninoff)等,皆為她學習的對象,紐約時報曾讚譽她為「莫札特以來最耀眼的神童」。史蘭倩絲卡在15 歲時,因反抗父親錯誤的帶領而消失於樂壇,12 年後重返舞台,二度成為世界知名鋼琴家。她以39 歲的年紀接受美國南伊利諾大學的聘請,成為該校駐校藝術家。豐富的歷練讓她在鋼琴教學上顯出其獨特之處,曾於2002年至臺灣東吳大學音樂系任客座教授一年。本文採敘說分析(narrative analysis)之研究方式,觀察史蘭倩絲卡鋼琴教學理念形成的過程,並分析研究其實際教學,歸納出鋼琴教學裡十四項特質,再從十四項特質統整出史蘭倩絲卡三項最重要的內在教學理念。


In April 2009, Ruth Slenczynska, an American pianist of the time, was invited to Guandu from New York by the Department of Music of Taipei
National University of the Arts to be the visiting professor for two months. The Department of Music of Taipei National University of the Arts
arranged two piano lectures and several personal piano classes for her every week. Ms. Slenczynska narrated and performed whole sets of Brahms Klavierstuke, works of Chopin and Schumann. Her teachings emphasized on both theories and actuality. Every class was a lecture recital. She
integrated the musical thoughts of structure of the music work into practical practice. She performed the beautiful forming process of the music in extremely transparent and succinct ways. She won high praise for letting the students absorb a lot of special and practical thoughts and be enlarged of their view of music.Slenczynska who is 86 year-old has lived in the world of piano performance for more than 80 years. She became well-known in America and Europe in her childhood. At that time, famous pianists such as Josef Hofmann, Artur Schabel, Alfred Cortot, Wilhelm Backhaus, and Sergei Rachmaninoff were admired by her and were also her guidance. The New York Times praised her for being the most dazzling child prodigy since Mozart. She once disappeared from the music because of resistance to the misleading of her father at age fifteen. But she came back on stage after twelve years and the second time, became a well-known pianist in the world. At age thirty-nine, Slenczynska was
employed honorably by Southern Illinois University in the United States to be a resident artist. A wealth of experience let Slenczynska bring out the uniqueness of her piano pedagogy.The study method of this article is narrative analysis. Fourteen characteristics of Slenczynska's piano teaching can be concluded by observing the formation of her piano teaching philosophy,analyzing and studying her process of practical teaching. Furthermore, three important aspects of her philosophy of music education have been summarized from those unique characteristics.
