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篇名 藏書、校書、刻書與明人讀書生活
卷期 89
並列篇名 Collecting, Correcting, Printing, and Reading Life in Ming Dynasty
作者 呂允在
頁次 419-445
關鍵字 明人讀書生活藏書校書刻書Ming dynastyReading lifeCollectingReadingPrintingTHCI
出刊日期 201110




In Ming Dynasty, scholars were obsessed with books. The addiction to reading was seen as a fashion life style. To expand their book collection, scholars were eager to get books by visiting,purchasing, borrowing, transcribing, etc. They can spend huge amount of money and lots of time to renovate antique books even the stray fragments for republishing. These efforts enriched Ming’scultural assets. There are many scholars devoted to collecting books, but correcting and printing are
also important skills to treasure up the books. This article is an overview on the portion of reading life in Ming Dynasty within five parts, including Preface, Collecting and Reading, Correcting and Reading, Printing and Reading, and Conclusion.
