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篇名 土壤水分含量及果實套袋對蓮霧裂果之影響
卷期 57:3
並列篇名 Effects of Soil Water Content and Bagging on Fruit Splitting of Wax Apples
作者 羅惠萍賴榮茂陳京城楊耀祥
頁次 197-206
關鍵字 春果裂果果重海綿組織寬度spring fruitsplittingfresh weightsponge tissue width
出刊日期 201109


本研究探討土壤水分含量及套袋材質對蓮霧(Syzygium samarangense Merr. etPerry)裂果的影響。盆栽水分試驗以4 年生‘粉紅’及大果蓮霧樹為材料,調查其春果之裂果情形。‘粉紅’及大果蓮霧在五種不同土壤水分含量下比較,以0 centibar 處理組之果重、體積及海綿組織寬度最大。‘粉紅’蓮霧土壤水分含量控制於0 至-80centibar 間之裂果率為87%。而大果蓮霧土壤水分含量控制於0 至-80 centibar 及0至-40 centibar 間之裂果率皆達100%。大果蓮霧以紙袋、紙網袋、塑膠袋、藍色不織布袋、白色不織布袋、塑膠網袋及泰維克袋套袋後,其裂果率分別為48.9%、37.9%、94.7%、61.1%、40.1%及70.3%及40.2%。由此觀察,土壤水分含量波動易促成裂果;而使用透氣性佳的材質套袋裂果率較低。


This study was to examine the effects of soil water content and different kinds of bagging on fruit splitting of wax apples. Four-year-old trees on pots were subjected to various soil moisture treatments. The spring fruit of ‘Pink’ and Big-fruit wax apples were harvested from March to May for evaluation. Among five different soil water content treatments, the 0 centibar soil water content treatment produced fruits with the highest fresh weight, largest volume, and thickest sponge tissue . In ‘Pink’ wax apples, the 0 to -80 centibar soil water content treatment had resulted in 87% fruit splitting. In Big-fruit wax apple, the 0 to -80 centibar as
well as 0 to -40 centibar treatment resulted in 100% fruit splitting. Big-fruit wax apples bagged with paper,paper net, plastic, blue non-woven-fabric, white non-woven-fabric, plastic net and tyvek bags treatments had
48.9%, 37.9%, 94.7%, 61.1%, 40.1%, 70.3% and 40.2% of fruit splitting, respectively. We concluded that fluctuations in soil water content encourages fruit splitting and that bagging with high permeability bags
produces less fruit splitting than bagging with low permeability bags.
