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篇名 技職專業課程學習滿意度與成效之研究-以醒吾技術學院觀光系為例
卷期 45
並列篇名 Learning Satisfaction and Performance of the Professional Course in Institute of Technology: A Case Study on the Department of Tourism Management in Hsing Wu College
作者 蔡瑋琦張煜權周姿君徐慧芳林思佩蔡佳蓉
頁次 265-288
關鍵字 觀光教育專業課程學習滿意度學習成效Tourism EducationProfessional CourseLearning SatisfactionLearning Performance
出刊日期 201112




The purposes of professional course in the department of the institute of technology include the enhancement of skill and knowledge of students. The design of professional course shouldn’t only correspond to the goal of department, but also the performance of students. In order to explore the relation between learning satisfaction and performance, the relative survey is conducted in the Department of Tourism Management of Hsing Wu College. The results indicate the learning satisfaction is affected by the status of concurrent post which can be improved by the interpersonal relationships of the student, specialization and communicate skill of the lecturer. The suggestions are the theory of the lecture should combine with the practice and the interpersonal status of the student should be paid more attention.
