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篇名 大學生對數位音樂願付價格之初探
卷期 45
並列篇名 A Note of Willingness-to-pay of digital music for University Students
作者 林怡芯李孝安呂英瑞
頁次 311-328
關鍵字 願付價格數位音樂搜尋成本實質支付價格Willingness to PayDigital MusicSearch CostReal Pay
出刊日期 201112




Since digital music is mostly use by university students, the questionnaire method was applied for north, central, and south of Taiwan’s universities and 600 effective retrieved questionnaires. The study results the university students’ purchase factors for digital music are real pay and search cost and they would like to pay for a song is difference in areas and singer types. In addition, the result suggested that the reasonable price for a song is $ 0-10 and $10-20 by singer types, i.e., the current price of $ 30 - 35 for a song is too high and should be adjusted.
