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篇名 依據Wallace 模式分析語言教師專業成長模式及應用
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Analysis of Language Teachers’ Professional Development Based on Wallace’s Models and Its Implications
作者 簡靜雯
頁次 067-082
關鍵字 應用科學模式技藝傳承模式語言教師專業成長反省探究模式the applied science modelthe craft modellanguage teacherprofessional devel-opmentthe reflective model
出刊日期 201112


從2009 秋天開始,英語輔導專員在美國的Wendell(匿名)提供英語教師研習,研習II(匿名)是十二個小時的研習課程,旨在提供英語教師更加了解何謂學術語言以及如何教學術語言。


Starting in fall 2009 English language learner 〔ELL〕 instructional coaches began to provide workshops to ELL teachers in Wendell (pseudonym) in the United States. Workshop II (pseudonym) was a twelve-hour course to support ELL teachers in developing a better understanding of what academic language is and how to teach it. This paper uses Wallace’s (1991) integrative model to analyze the Workshop II. Data in this study included observational fieldnotes, interviews, and documents. Wallace’s
