
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 電腦製圖輸入方式評估之研究
卷期 2
並列篇名 Estimations of Input Methods in Computer-assisted Mapping
作者 林開輝梅志中
頁次 25-34
關鍵字 電腦輔助製圖Computer-assisted Mapping
出刊日期 199107




Digital base maps play an important role among GIS applications. Maps make tangible the special data that just describe abstractly. Neverthless, getting the digital base maps is a difficult and complicated task, The computer-assisted mapping do not only assist mapping automated but also provide the digital base map data for GIS. In computer-assisted mapping procedure, the input method directly affects the operating speed and product quality. Therefore, a serious estimation and selection of input methods is indispensable before computer-assisted mapping start. This article is aimed at trying various input methods to get the optimal input method base on practical experience.
