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篇名 降低供應室包盤類成本之方案
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 A Project for Decreasing the Cost of Instrument Packages in Central Supply Service
作者 呂桂雲呂明蕙
頁次 91-104
關鍵字 包盤成本供應室固定數instrument packcostcentral supply servicestationary
出刊日期 200402




Since the establishment of health insurance systems in Taiwan, all hospital institutions have been broadening sources of income and reducing expenditure in an effort to balance finances. Consequently, effective and economical management of medical equipment and supplies to control budget is of primary importance. This project was intended to decrease the cost of instrument packages in central supply services (CSS) in cooperation with hospital policy. This project was implemented by researching various types of instrument packages: The inner fittings; the amount of stationary included in instrument packages; requirements; and Cause and Effect Diagram. The results of this research were as follows: Interior fittings are similar; the amount of stationary is too high; the utility rate is too low. A cross- examination of package types was done in order to design a new equipment package and redesign stationary that would meet hospital requirements while decreasing cost by consolidating supplies and services—providing quality without surplus. The benefits of this research were: A decrease in the cost of instrument packages of $10,076 NT per month; reduction in types of packages from 18 to 13; reduction in the number of CSS stationary instrument packages from 1487 to 1247; increase in utility rate from 2.2 times per month to 3.3 times per month.
