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篇名 復健科住院病人預防跌倒改善專案
卷期 10
並列篇名 Project for improvement in falling prevention for inpatients of rehabilitation ward
作者 李雅慧謝惠玲
頁次 197-210
關鍵字 復健病人跌倒預防跌倒rehabilitation patientfallfall prevention
出刊日期 201111




Fall may decrease inpatients’willingness to perform daily activities and
rehabilitation. It may influence patients’mental health , and even cause the medical dispute. The purpose of this project was to explore the fall factors of inpatients in the rehabilitation ward including medication, patients’health status, caregiver, environment, and equipment factors. The fall incidence rate reduced from 0.08% to 0% through the rehabilitation teamwork and efforts, managers’ concern, making the Vietnamese language health education sheet, muscle training, continuing health education and auditing, anonymous reporting chain, environment improvement, as well as wheelchair and bathroom safety improvement. The medical care team should continue to assess and prevent the risk factors of inpatients’fall, as well as to monitor and assess inpatients’individual needs in order to provide personal health education
and care to promote inpatients’safety.
