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篇名 Unusual Prolapse of Anterior Urethral WallPresenting as a Vulval Mass in a Woman
卷期 20:4
並列篇名 罕見的女性前尿道壁脫垂以陰部腫瘤表現
作者 馮超傑陳昶仲嚴允和鄭柏樹王乃弘
頁次 192-194
關鍵字 女性尿道尿道脫垂女性陰部腫瘤Female urethraUrethral prolapseVulval mass
出刊日期 200912



The female urethra is short and is fixed to the pelvic floor, so mobility of the urethra is limited except in conditions of pelvic floor weakness, which causes cystocele or urethral hypermobility with temporary descending of the urethra during increased intra-abdominal pressure. Urethral prolapse in female is uncommon and seen in most cases as a circumferential eversion of the urethral mucosa through the external urethral meatus. Urethral prolapse restricted to the anterior wall of the urethra presenting as a vulval mass is even most rare. We report a 73-year-old woman with the chief complaint of a palpable mass protruding from the vulva, which was finally diagnosed as a prolapse of the anterior urethral wall. The gross appearance, surgical management, and follow-up studies are presented.
