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篇名 臺灣2008年樂齡學習實施之前高齡教育實踐的問題與省思
卷期 17
並列篇名 Sorting Context of Implementations of Education for the Elderly in Taiwan: Problems and Reflections of the Era Before 2008
作者 魏惠娟
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 高齡教育實踐樂齡學習樂齡學習政策implementations on education for the elderlyactive ageing learningpolicy for active ageing learning
出刊日期 201112




The aim of this paper intends to analyse the implementations of education for the elderly in an era before 2008 in Taiwan. The interest of this paper is to review, through the lenses of structure formation and curricula analyses, the development and issues of education for the elderly in the past few years. The intention of this paper is to find out a useful framework and implications for further development of active ageing learning in terms of policy-making. In the end, four conclusions would be made as follow: (1) there is a need for a long-term planning for the active ageing learning policies; (2) the central framework of education for the elderly would change from welfare-oriented to the widely spread of active learning; (3) despite the contributions made in the era before 2008, some of the issues apparently had not been figured out yet; (4) as the result, further development on education for the elderly need to be rooted and sustained in terms of time. This paper suggests that the medium and longterm plans, the training of professionals, the budgets arrangement, the curricula designs and the disadvantaged elderly should all be considered as a whole picture when the policies of active ageing learning are planned.
