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篇名 二種不同栽植密度對柳杉初期生長之影響
卷期 23:4
並列篇名 Effect of Two Different Planting Density on the Initial Growth of Cryptomeria japonica
作者 王亞男楊智凱李文馨鄭森松
頁次 285-293
關鍵字 柳杉初期生長栽植密度Cryptomeria japonicaInitial GrowthPlanting density
出刊日期 200912


本研究係探討臺大實驗林溪頭營林區兩種不同栽植密度(3000 株/公頃和4500 株/公 頃)對柳杉初期生長之影響。試驗結果顯示,這兩種不同栽植密度對柳杉初期生長之存活率 和樹高並不會有影響;而栽植密度較低者(3000 株/公頃)對於柳杉初期生長之胸高直徑會愈 大。


In the study, the effect of two different planting density (3000 trees/ha and 4500 trees/ ha) on the initial growth of Cryptomeria japonica in Xitou district of the Experimental Forest, in the National Taiwan University were investigated. Results show that the early survival rate and tree height of C. japonica in two different planting densities did not influence. However, it showed that low planting density (3000 trees/ha) with the increase of the diameter at breast height on initial growth of C. japonica
