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篇名 影響台灣地區婦女子宮頸癌抹片篩檢使用之研究
卷期 31
並列篇名 The Utilization Patterns of Cervical Cancer Screening in Taiwan
作者 賴宜弘蕭聖謀楊雪華
頁次 121-137
關鍵字 預防保健子宮頸抹片利用型態Prevention servicesPap smear screeningUtilization patterns
出刊日期 201112


根據衛生署衛生統計,自民國七十一年開始,癌症即占我國十大死因的首位,且每年呈直線增加。子宮頸癌一直是每年台灣女性死亡人數前五名的惡性腫瘤,患者雖以四十歲以上居多,但患病的年齡有年輕化的趨勢,三十歲以下婦女患病的病例逐漸增多。子宮頸抹片(Pap smear)由於具備安全、快速及有效的特性,已被各國廣泛利用為大眾子宮頸癌篩檢之工具,而定期篩檢的目的乃是希望早期發現癌前病變或病灶而早期治療。本研究利用國家衛生研究院所提供全民健保學術研究資料庫中之承保抽樣歸人檔2005年至2007年之資料,擷取2005年年滿30歲之女性共140150人為研究對像,進行抹片利用行為之分析研究。本研究架構主要參考Andersen提出的醫療利用行為模式,探討影響婦女使用預防保健子宮頸抹片情形之相關因素,本研究有別於以往以問卷調查之研究,無法確切獲知使用次數及頻度,大量的樣本更能正確的檢視預防保健抹片使用之影響因素及長期趨勢之探討,結果可提供作為將來政策修正、推廣與制定之參考。


The National Health Insurance (NHI) provided free pap smear screening to reduce cervical cancer mortality since the program launched in 1995. PSS was provided annually to women aged 30 years old and over. If the negative results last for three years, then PSS was covered once in three years. Although the latter conditional policy was removed on March 1997, the utilization rate of PSS was still very low (about 25%). Therefore, the purposes of this longitudinal study were to understand the long-term (from 2005 to 2007) utilization patterns and to explore the associated factors of PSS over time. Meanwhile, we also examined the changing impact of the coverage policy of NHI on utilization patterns of PSS.

