
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 畢馬龍情境對士兵工作表現的影響性
卷期 35:1
並列篇名 The Influence of Pygmalion Conditions in Soldiers’ Work Performance
作者 程淑華謝王惠魏明愷
頁次 099-125
關鍵字 工作表現軍事心理學畢馬龍效應work performance, military psychology, Pygmalion effectTSSCI
出刊日期 201203




At the moment that organizational and manpower structure of the Military is transforming, the ways of promoting the whole morale and work effectiveness of subordinates can evince the importance of the leadership. In Taiwan, enough research has found Pygmalion effect existing in the classroom, but it is still questionable in the military. Therefore, the researcher tried to test Pygmalion effect in the military. Two experiments were designed, one was a true experimental design and the other was a quasi-experimental design. All samples’ work performances were tested twice. The first experiment was conducted in a laboratory and 110 cadets were sampled. They must finish a paper work in ten minutes under a positive Pygmalion condition, negative Pygmalion condition or control condition. The second experiment was a field experiment. The researcher sampled conveniently 147 soldiers. They must take four military training tests after a one-week positive Pygmalion training condition or control condition. All results showed that Pygmalion effect did exist and influence individual work performance. In addition, the positive Pygmalion condition could promote individual work performance significantly.
