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篇名 肝硬化患者的腎臟功能異常
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Renal Function Impairment in Patients with Cirrhosis
作者 陳鈺緯張經緯章振旺楊蕙心王蒼恩吳志仁陳漢湘
頁次 042-054
關鍵字 肝硬化(Liver cirrhosis)腎功能異常(Renal function impairment)急性腎臟損傷(Acute kidney injury,AKI)慢性腎臟疾病(Chronic kidney disease, CKD)肝腎症候群(Hepatorenal syndrome)肝腎異常(Hepatorenal disorders)ScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201202




Renal function impairment is an ominous and common event in cirrhotic patients. Serum creatinine is important in predicting short-term mortality and is used for the prioritization of liver transplant recipients in the United States. The causes of renal dysfunction include hepatorenal syndrome, renal parenchyma disease, or diseases affecting the liver and kidney. However, the serum creatinine and creatinine-based equations tend to overestimate renal function in patients with cirrhosis. A formula specifically derived for calculating GFR in cirrhotic patients is necessary. The present definitions of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease are not suitable for cirrhotic patients. This article discusses the causes and classification of renal dysfunction, evaluation of renal function, and defining hepatorenal disorders in cirrhotic patients.
