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篇名 Parapelvic Cystic Lymphagioma Causing Hydronephrosis and Non-functioning Kidney - A Rare Case Report
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 腎盂旁囊腫性淋巴管瘤合併腎積水及無功能腎-病例報告
作者 許兆畬李建達盧令一石濟民鄭紹宇
頁次 33-36
關鍵字 無功能腎腎水腫囊腫性淋巴管瘤non-functioning kidneyhydronephrosiscystic lymphangiomaTSCI
出刊日期 199903




A 45 yr-old woman with a history of flank soreness for 17 mo, was found to have a parapelvic cyst of the right kidney with hydronephrosis. Non-functioning kidney was discovered at our OPD. She received nephrectomy, and the pathologic findings revealed that there was a large transparenchymal paper-thin-walled unilocular cyst, measuring 3.6× 2.5× 2.3 cm in size, located over the parapelvic region, beneath the ureteropelvic junction (U-P junction), with clear fluid content. All microscopic findings were compatible with cystic lymphagioma. Two tiny subcapsular angiomyolipomas were also found coincidentally. We present this case and review the literatures.
