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篇名 Goethe's kennst du das land and the stylistic Development of the Post-18th century german lieder
卷期 79
作者 Lin, Marie
頁次 227-264
關鍵字 German liederGoetheKennst du das land
出刊日期 200312



By studying the historical stylistic evolution of German poetry,examining the development of musical styles, and analyzing several settings of Goethe‟s “Mignon‟s Song” (Kennst du das Land), this study will probe the relationship between music and poem, to reveal the stylistic development of German Lieder, thereby providing a practical overview of the style.Several factors affected the stylistic development of German Lieder, including the changing social structure and the social function of the Lied, the rapid development of new instruments (such as –piano), the variant of audiences’ tastes, and the rise of German Nationalism.
