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篇名 張愛玲小說中的聽覺描寫研究
卷期 17
並列篇名 The study of Zhang Ailing works’ description about “Hearing”
作者 高詩佳
頁次 081-110
關鍵字 張愛玲聽覺描寫聲音音樂鬼域之聲Zhang AilingHearing descriptionSoundMusicSound of the Pandemonium
出刊日期 201203




Zhang Ailing had always excelled at describing “Desolation” in her novels. One of her real work features is her description of hearing. Through a variety of sounds she painted pictures of life and expressed her feelings and thoughts. Her novels are flowers of language and full of sadness, which derived from she being pessimistic about her life. When Zhang goes beyond plain narrative, her descriptions are bare but abound with any very picturesque quality. The narrative about music in her stories is often pouring forth sad hunting melodies. It is so detailed and so ruthless in its searching delineation of characters that there is need for any attempt to convey atmosphere by hearing descriptions. She knew her characters thoroughly and had a clear picture of each one’s looks, speech, and thoughts. Its theme lets the readers deeply understand her story and thoughts. She experienced the life of dull earthlings, and then wrote down her novels by describing a variety of sounds.
