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篇名 Correlation Between Urinary and Seerum Prostate - Specific Antigen
卷期 9:3
並列篇名 尿液及血清攝護腺特異抗原(PSA)的相關性
作者 洪酸澤陳光國張心湜
頁次 132-137
關鍵字 尿液攝護腺特異抗原攝護腺腫瘤uringeprostate-specific antigen prostatic neoplasmTSCI
出刊日期 199806




This study is conducted to clarify the correlation between serum and urinary prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and to find the difference in urinary PSA between patients with prostate cancer (CaP) and those with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). PSA levels of 20 patients with prostatic cancer and 78 patients with BPH were determined using the ELSA-PSA2 kit. For the first 14 patients, the PSA of serum and first-voided urine in the morning were detected. For the following 20 patients, serum PSA, as well as morning and evening midstreamurinary PSA were examined. Serum PSA and 24-h urinary PSA were measured for the remaining 64 patients. PSA levels of spot midstream urine specimens were highly variable between morning and evening urine, but they were usually higher than and poorly correlated with those of serum. PSA levels of morning first-voided, evening urine, and serum were 336±233,443±208, and 11.7±4.4ng/ml, respectively. For the remaining 64 patients, serum PSA levels of BPH and CaP patients were 9.9±1.6and 25.7±8.2ng/ml, respectively;while, their 24-h urinary PSA amounts were 243±38 and 125±46 ug, respectively (p=0.059). The correlation between serum PSA and 24-h urinary PSA amounts was poor as well. For either spot or 24-h urine, urinary PSA is highly variable and is usually higher than serum PSA. However, 24-h urine specimens can precisely determine the level of PSA secretion of the lower urinary tract. The 24-h urinary PSA amounts of BPH patients were higher than those of CaP patients, but the overlapping area between these 2 groups was very large. Therefore it is not suitable to use urinary PSA as a substitute for serum PSA for clinical application in prostatic diseases. (J Rrol R.O.C., 9:132-137,1998)
