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篇名 Primary Aldosteronism ─ Clinical Experiences and Literature Review
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 原發性醛類脂醇症之臨床經驗及文獻回顧
作者 陳紹寬林志明羅華安鄭永利
頁次 43-47
關鍵字 原發性醛類脂醇症Conn氏症腎上腺腺瘤primaryaldosteronismConn's syndromeadrenaladenomaTSCI
出刊日期 199703


原發性醛類脂醇症病例並不多,于高血壓族群中少於百分之1到2。從1984年11月到1996年5月。本院共有此病例16例,年齡從25歲到80歲。5位男性及11位女性,所有的病例皆是呈現出高血壓,其收縮壓為140-194mmHg,舒張壓為74-120 mmHg,平均165/96 mmHg。血漿中之鉀離子濃度少於3mEq/L有11位。血漿中醛類脂醇為177-1408 ng/dl,平均值為659.8 ng/dl。腫瘤皆是經由電腦斷層顯示出位置。右側9例,左側7例。16例中有15例接受手術將此腫瘤取出。


The incidence of primary aldosteronism is low, less than 1 to 2 percent of the hypertensive population. Since November 1984 till May 1996, 16 patients in Cathay General Hospital were diagnosed as Conn’s syndrome. Age ranged from 25 to 80. Five were males and 11 females. All patients presented with hypertension: systolic were from 140 to 194 mmHg and diastolic were from 74 to 120 mmHg; the mean blood pressure was 164/96 mmHg. Blood otassium evels were below 3 mEq/L in 11 of 16 cases. Plasma aldosterone levels ranged from 177 to 1408 ng/dl with mean of 659.8 ng/dl. Tumors were demonstrated by CT scan, 9 in right and 7 in left sides. Fifteen of 16 cases had surgical operations to remove the tumor masses.
