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篇名 Restenosis within Implanted Urethral Stent in Complicated Urethral Stricture
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 植入尿道內自動支撐器於複雜性尿道外傷病患之再狹窄
作者 林明正于大雄謝啟誠查岱龍李祥生王曉暹馬正平楊泰和
頁次 95-98
關鍵字 尿道狹窄尿道支撐器尿道導管urethral stricatureurethral stenturethral catheterTSCI
出刊日期 199606




The management of urethral stricture is always a challenge to the urologists. Here we report a case who suffered from pelvic fracture and complete bulbomembranous urethral disruption. After several attempts the endoscopic means failed to restore his urethral continuity. A self-expandable urethral stent 2.5 cm in length was implanted for bulbomembranous urethral stricture 2 cm in length after visual internal urethrotomy and dilatation. The urinary stream decreased 9 months after the stent placement due to ingrowth of granulation tissue at the proximal end of stent lumen. Even endoscopic means for resecting scar tissue or internal urethrotomy could not keep the satisfactory results of urethral patency. Finally, the patient underwent transperineal removal of urethral stent with segmental resection of the stenosed urethra and end-to-end anastomosis one year after implantation with acceptable result. In conclusion, implant of urethral stent cannot resolve all the urethral obstructions. Preoperative selection of the patients and postoperative long-term follow-up are necessary.
