
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 德國文化教育學在日治時期臺灣的傳播與發展(1920-1940)
卷期 58:1
並列篇名 The Development and Interpretation of Cultural Pedagogy of Germany during Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan (1920-1940)
作者 祝若穎
頁次 105-143
關鍵字 日治時期文化教育學Spranger教育思想Japanese colonial periodcultural pedagogy E.Sprangereducational disciplineTSSCI
出刊日期 201203
DOI 10.3966/10288708201203004




The 1920s was a milestone in the development of pedagogical thought in Taiwan, when society was in its early stage of modernization and was open and positive toward foreign ideas. This study focused on the exploration of the German Kulturpdagogik and analyzed various periodicals from 1920 to 1940, including Taiwan Education Review and Taiwan, etc. It was found that there had been relevant discussions on this sect during that period, and the relevant theories introduced to Taiwan were summarized below: the emphasis on the inheritance of cultural values and the six related types, the importance of experience and sympathy for education, the criticism of the Assimilation theory in Taiwan, systemized theories on educational love, and the increasing thinking on the essence of education. In terms of the changes that occurred when such theories were introduced to Taiwan, they were mostly applied as a high-level knowledge basis for academic research. There was no significant evidence suggesting the distorted militarism-based theories on cultural education. There had not been any clearly-defined teaching methodology developed, either. The outbreak of World War II led to the gradual fading of the theories, as well as a non-continuous disruption between them and post-war educational theories. Notwithstanding these facts, we must bear in mind that the German Kulturpdagogik was introduced to Taiwan. To create a more diverse and productive environment for educational research in Taiwan, we must pay sufficient respect and attention to the western educational theories introduced by scholars from Japan, China, and Taiwan.
