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篇名 Urethral Diverticulum - 10 Case Analysis and Review of Literature
卷期 5:3
並列篇名 尿道憩室-十例病例分析
作者 許衍申陳明村陳光國張心湜
頁次 177-181
關鍵字 尿道憩室憩室切除urethradiverticulumdiverticulectomyTSCI
出刊日期 199409




Urethral diverticulum is a rare disease. From 1983 to 1992, ten cases have been seen here, of which seven were males and three were females; the average age was 45.7 years. Four of them had a history of indwelling Foley catheter. Seven cases were demonstrated by urethrography. One was diagnosed with cystourethroscopy. Two cases were found incidentally during operation for urethral stricture. Seven patients received surgical intervention with diverticulectomy as treatment of choice. Three underwent transurethral unroofing urethrotomy since the diverticulum was small. Only one had a residual diverticulum aftersurgery.
