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篇名 Percutaneous Drainage of Urinary Extravasation for Acute Renal Injury
卷期 3:4
並列篇名 以經皮引流術治療急性腎臟外傷之尿液外溢
作者 楊志東林文州
頁次 945-948
關鍵字 urinary extravasationurinomahematomapercutaneous drainageTSCI
出刊日期 199212




From Jan.1988 to Doc. 1991,for cases of acute urinary extravasation receuvung Percutaneous drainage are reported hereinafter. All these cases were adnitted due to traffic accident and blunt trauma of the kidney. Conservative treatments with antibiotics were given due to small amount of urinary extravasation on IVU examination. But abdominal pain, fever, chillness developed three to five days later. Renal CT scans were performed, which recealed extensive urinary wxtravasation were performed under echo-guidance. Subsequently, those patients did well and symptoms subsided. A further surgical exploration was not necessary for these four cases. This technique is safe and easy to perform and may be the treatment necessary in selected of acute renal injuries.
