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篇名 膀胱與卵巢瘻管─病例報告
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Vesico-Ovarian Fistual - A Case Report
作者 凃秀鴻藍國正
頁次 409-411
關鍵字 膀胱卵巢瘻管皮樣囊腫vesical-ovarian fistuladermoid cystTSCI
出刊日期 199103


膀胱常因附近器官的病變,產生各種膀胱瘻管(vesical fistulas)。本篇報告一個少見的右側膀胱卵巢瘻管(vesico-ovarian fistula)的病例。此病人因右側卵巢發生皮樣囊腫(dermoid cyst)的病變與膀胱接近而產生瘻管。手術治療包括整個卵巢囊腫、瘻管的切除及部份膀胱切除術。(J Urol R.O.C., 2:409-411, 1991)


Vesical fistulas are common and vesico-vaginal fistulas are the most frequent from of bladder fistula. On the other hand, fistulas be-tween bladder and other female urogenital or-gans are rare-besicouterine fistules and vesico-cervical fistulas, for example. Vesico-ovatian fis-tulas are even rarer and are attributable to the ligaments of the uterus that prevent direct con-tact between bladder and ovary. The primary cause is usually not urologic. Infection and pathological change of the ovary are usually the primary disease. The clinical presentation is not-specific and the diagnosis may be missed if it is unsuspected or if appropriate investigations are not undertaken. Herein we reported a case of fistula be-tween the bladder and right ovary. We misdiag-nosed preoperatively as bladder diverticulum with stone but dermoid cyst of right ovary and fistula beteen bladder and ovary were noted in-traoperatively. Partial cystectomy with removal of right ovary and fistulous duct were per-formed. Convalescence was uneventful and there were no complications.

