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篇名 A Pilot Study of Genitourinary Abnormalities and Testicular Size in the Prepubertal and Pubertal Population of Chinese
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 青春前期及青春期中國男性泌尿道異常及正常睪丸體積測量之首度調查報告
作者 于大雄李志和張聖原馬正平
頁次 97-104
關鍵字 genitourinary abnormalitiestesticular sizeChinese populationTSCI
出刊日期 199006


民國78年9月我們於台灣省苗栗大湖鄉從事有關青春前期及青春期中國男性泌尿道異常及正常睪丸體積測量之首度調查工作,共包括了434位大湖國民小學學童,269位大湖國民中學學生及169位大湖農工職業學校之學生。結果由一般檢查發現有5.4%之泌尿道異常,包括常見之精索靜脈曲張,鼠蹊疝氣,隱睪,陰襄水腫及較少見之睪丸萎縮,附睪襄腫與尿失禁。在睪丸體積測量方面,結果顯示平均從11歲開始幸丸即明顯長大,而其長度及寬度之比例約為1.53: 1。左側睪丸為大。同年齡層中,身高體重與睪丸體積大小之間呈大程度之相關性。相信由此調查結果可提供日後研究有關中國人睪丸疾病方面之正常數據參考資料並作比較。


A survey was conducted at Ta-Hu village of Miao-Li county in central Taiwan for detection of genitourinary abnormalities and measurement of testicular size in 434 prepubertal (Ta-Hu Elementary School) and 438 pubertal (Ta-Hu Junior Middle School and Vocational School of Agriculture and Industry) students. The results revealed a 5.4 per cent incidence in genitourinary abnormalities by physical examination, including varicocele, inguinal hernia, undescended testes, communicating hydrocele, testicular atrophy, epididymal cyst and urinary incontinence. Testicular enlargement became prominent around 11 years of age, with an average ratio of 1.53 to 1 between testicular length and with. The volume of the left testis seems larger than that of the right although statistically insignificant. Height and weight had a certain degree of correlation with testicular volume. This study can provide a standard testicular size for Chinese in further investigations of testicular diseases. (J Urol R.O.C., 1: 97-104, 1990)
