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篇名 軍人角色性格與紀律性初探:以九位軍校生的軍事社會化經驗為例
卷期 101
並列篇名 The Soldiery Role Characteristics and Discipline: A Qualitative Study of 9 Cadet's Military Socialization Experience
作者 錢淑芬許志弘
頁次 203-228
關鍵字 軍人角色性格紀律軍事社會化全控制度The role characteristics of soldieryDisciplineMilitary socializationTotal institution
出刊日期 201112



The purpose of this study is to explore the cadets’ disciplinary development and their role characteristics of soldiery how to be molded in the total institution by military socialization. This study is divided into two parts. First, the intention is to accomplish the theatrical framing of the soldiery role characteristics, and to illustrate disciplinary as one of the role characteristics. Furthermore, complete
the conceptual construction of military disciplinary, including four levels where each one has particular meaning. Second, the proposition is to explore how cadets experience “disciplinary shaping” process
during military academy training. We adopted in-depth interviews to understand 9 cadets’ socialization experiences, and to analyze and interpret by qualitative research approach. As a result, the 9 cadets’
military socialization experiences can be divided into four shaping stages of disciplinary development,corresponding with the conceptual construction of disciplinary development presents four levels.Therefore, to achieve the contribution of the disciplinary development of cadets, this study constructs the following findings and recommendations.1. Disciplinary development level increased with grades of cadets.2. Should pay attention to “object” internal conflicts and contradictions of cadets in order to avoid disciplinary development into “contradiction period”.
3. “Subject” guidance will influence the disciplinary development of cadets.4. Provisions of the Military Academy may affect the development of the level of discipline and depth.
