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篇名 China's Anti-Access Strategy and Area Denial: Lessons to Be Learned from Sun Tzu's the Art of War
卷期 101
並列篇名 中共反介入戰略與區域阻絕:源自孫子兵法的教訓
作者 李承禹朱文章萬德風
頁次 277-295
關鍵字 孫子孫子兵法反介入區域阻絕圍點打援Sun TzuThe Art of WarAnti-accessArea denialSurrounding one target to attack another
出刊日期 201112



Before we can come to any conclusions about mainland China’s anti-access and area denial tactics,we have to understand what genuine motivations they might have. As well as being a plan to reclaim Taiwan or keep the US away, it could also be a trap set up to provoke the Americans, via a doctrine officially known as “Surrounding One Target to Attack another”. No matter what their intentions, we have to appreciate the fact that China has thousands of years of history which will no doubt have an
effect on their decision making. The Chinese are proud of their history and philosophy and will tap into this wisdom for inspiration and guidance. As a result of the same history and philosophy, we people on
the other side of the Taiwan Strait will no doubt understand that if we can not figure out the true intention of mainland China’s anti-access and area denial tactics, sooner or later when surprises emerge,and the US, a strong ally of Taiwan, will pay the price.
