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篇名 美國反恐戰爭的本質與戰略溝通
卷期 94
並列篇名 The Essentials of U.S. Strategy of War on Terror and Strategic Communication
作者 段復初莫大華
頁次 001-021
關鍵字 政治作戰理念戰爭反恐戰爭戰略溝通公共外交Political warfareWar of ideasWar on terrorStrategic communicationPublic diplomacy
出刊日期 200906




After the 911 terrorists attack, George W. Bush Administration has promoted the Global War on Terror, tried to win the war through the political warfare which was the fundamental of grand strategy in Cold War. It consists of political, economic, military and diplomatic instruments and has won the Cold War. Bush administration has considered the War on Terror is a war of ideas, if America wants to win the war, and then must counter the terrorist's propagandas of their ideas by the integrated strategic communication. Therefore, Bush Administration established the strategic communication policy coordinated mechanism and measures, to integrate the resources of international communication within the Administration for delivery of messages and good images to the world, particularly the Islam world. Strategic communication becomes the essentials of winning the political warfare and war of ideas in the War on Terror, but can it win?
