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篇名 臺灣當代戰爭詩研究幾個可能的取徑:文學、文化、傳播觀點
卷期 94
並列篇名 Possible Approaches of the Study of Contemporary Taiwanese War Poetry--Literary, Cultural, and Media Perspectives
作者 蔡豐全
頁次 229-254
關鍵字 文化研究反共文學軍旅詩人戰爭詩Cultural studiesAnti-communism literatureMilitary poetWar poetry
出刊日期 200906




War poetry has its own tradition in literary history. This study focuses on the research methods of literary, cultural, and media perspectives applied for the Taiwanese War Poetry research. First of all, the author uses narrative-analysis, text positioning, and characteristic viewpoints to figure out the momentum of creation. Then, the author focuses on cultural aspects, including ethics, nationality and psychology, to describe the opposing view points of war poetry's history; On the other hand, this study introduces the critical relationship of the poet and the reader by analyzing the role of the interaction of communicator and the reader. This study will also introduce the extraordinary position in the history of Taiwanese war poetry.
