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篇名 論我國「國防二法」文人領軍之設計
卷期 93
作者 曹陽
頁次 201-220
關鍵字 國防二法文人領軍文武關係統帥權Civilian control over the militaryCivil and military relationsImperiaThe national defense two law
出刊日期 200903


2000 年1 月15 日,立法院三讀通過《國防法》與《國防部組織法修訂案》後1,我國國防二法能否真正規範國軍在國會的監督之下進行運作,實為社會各界所關注之焦點。我國國防二法中對於「文人領軍」是如何進行規範,以及對軍隊國家化即「統帥權問題」是如何進行法制化等相關問題,皆為當今各主要民主國家所重視的熱門議題。眾所周知,軍隊為國家的主要行政權之一,為民主國家的常態,應如何納入國會之監督?其有何特徵?以及如何確立總統在戰時及平時軍事統帥權之運作?皆為本文所要探討的主要內容。本文擬以「文人領軍」之角度來分析立法院於2000 年1 月15 日所制定的《國防法》與《國防部組織法修訂案》中有關「文人領軍」之相關設計。並進一步藉由此二法在制定時之形成的背景、基本內涵、實質內容與發展策略等面向來解析此一政策的內在意涵。本文之章節安排如下:其一為前言,其二針對文人領軍內涵之發展進行簡析;其三為我國「國防二法」中有關文人領軍內涵之修法內容進行全面性的回顧,其四是研析我國「國防二法」中所涉文人領軍內容之主要特徵,最後是分析我國國防二法中有關文人領軍的法制設計與檢討,並試圖歸納出本文之結論。


On January 15, 2000, the Legislative Yuan three read after “National defense act” and “Department of Defense Constitutive law Amendment”, did our country national defense two law whether genuine standard national troops carry on the operation under Congress's surveillance, actually focal point of the community attention. How in our country national defense two law “Civilian Control over the Military” to carry on the standard, as well as how namely “the imperia question” is to carry on the legalization to the army nationalization and so on related question, all popular subject which to each main democratic country take seriously now.This article plans by “Civilian Control over the Military” the angle to analyze the Legislative Yuan “National defense act which” formulated in January 15, 2000 and “Department of Defense Constitutive law Amendment” related “Civilian Control over the Military” the related design. And further affiliation from this two law the background which, the basic connotation, the substantive content and the development strategy forms in the formulation time and so on face analyze this policy the intrinsic meaning.Chapter of arrangement this article is as follows: First is a foreword, its two aim at “Civilian Control over the Military” development of the connotation to carry on Jan to analyze; Third are our country “the national defense two law” the concerned “Civilian Control over the Military” the connotation to repair the law content to carry on the integrity review; fourth, analyzes our country “the national defense two law” to ford “Civilian Control over the Military” the content the chief feature, finally is analyzes the legal system design which and the self-criticism in our country national defense two law the concerned “Civilian Control over the Military”, and attempts to induce conclusion of this article.
